Julie I. Guindon : Spécialiste en droit de la famille, pour la région d’Ottawa
Représentante spécialisée en droit de la famille
Depuis plus de 20 ans, Julie I. Guindon, à titre d’avocate et de procureure, de médiatrice et d’arbitre, apporte son aide aux familles de la région d’Ottawa, lorsqu’elles sont prises dans les méandres des procédures judiciaires liées au droit de la famille. Tout au long de sa carrière, Mme Guindon a traité des cas de divorce, de garde d’enfants, de droit de visite aux enfants, de pension alimentaire, de partage des biens ainsi que diverses autres questions légales touchant ses clients Elle s’engage à combiner ses années d’expérience avec son intérêt inné pour le bien-être des familles, afin d’atteindre des résultats positifs et bénéfiques pour tous les foyers de la région d’Ottawa. Téléphonez à Julie I. Guindon dès maintenant pour discuter de votre situation particulière.
Our legal counsel provides extensive advice and specialized solutions for all of your legal challenges. Our lawyers will thoroughly take care of your case and resolve your problems. Contact us for mediation, parenting coordination, or any other legal services.
Need of a Professional Arbitrator
Arbitration is an effective alternative to traditional litigation for resolving legal disputes. When you find yourself in a situation that requires the expertise of a professional arbitrator, Julie I. Guindon is here to help. With her extensive experience in arbitration proceedings, she can guide you through the process and ensure a fair resolution. Whether it's a business dispute, contractual disagreement, or any other matter that calls for arbitration, trust Julie I. Guindon to provide the expertise and impartiality needed to reach a satisfactory outcome.
The Benefits of Arbitration
Speed and Efficiency: Arbitration offers a faster and more streamlined process compared to litigation. With the flexibility to set the schedule and avoid court backlogs, parties can resolve their disputes in a timelier manner.
Confidentiality: Unlike court proceedings, arbitration provides a confidential environment. This confidentiality ensures that sensitive information remains private and does not become part of the public record.
Expertise: Arbitrators are professionals with specialized knowledge and experience in their respective fields. They can provide expert insights and guidance, leading to well-informed decisions based on the specific issues at hand.
Flexibility: Parties involved in arbitration have more control over the process, allowing them to tailor proceedings to their specific needs. This flexibility extends to choosing the arbitrator, selecting the venue, and determining the rules that govern the arbitration.
Cost-Effectiveness: Arbitration can often be a more cost-effective option compared to litigation. The streamlined process and the ability to avoid lengthy court battles can result in significant savings in terms of time and legal expenses.
Whether you require an arbitrator in Ottawa to resolve a commercial dispute or seek arbitration as a preferred method of dispute resolution, Julie I. Guindon has the expertise to guide you through the process and help you achieve a fair and efficient resolution.
Feel free to reach out to Julie I. Guindon for reliable arbitration services tailored to your specific needs.
Our Legal Counsel Services in Ottawa
Julie I. Guindon has gained experience in providing numerous legal services:
​Family lawyer: If you face any type of legal family matter, Julie I. Guindon can help you find a beneficial solution for both you and your family. Julie I. Guindon deals in family law, including divorce, separation, child custody, child and spousal support, and property division.
​Parent coordinator: A parent coordinator can assist you in addressing difficulties such as day-to-day disagreements over a parenting arrangement or challenges with the equal allocation of holiday time between two parents. Consult Julie I. Guindon if you are a co-parent who wants to eradicate parental disputes from your child's life.
​Mediator: Mediation is a situation where one doesn’t have to visit the court to resolve a legal issue. This service can assist in reducing hostility and tension between parties. Julie I. Guindon is a mediator who can assist parties in reaching an agreement without going to court.
Testaments et successions
Protégez l’avenir de votre famille dès aujourd’hui, grâce aux services fiables et approfondis offerts par Julie I. Guindon en matière de rédaction de testaments et de successions. Les bureaux de Julie I. Guindon offrent aussi à ses clients de la région d’Ottawa des services-conseils à l’égard des procurations. Voilà bien quelques-unes des plus prudentes décisions que vous puissiez prendre pour assurer la stabilité de votre famille pour les années à venir; et Julie I. Guindon est fière de pouvoir vous offrir ses services à cet égard.
Médiation et arbitrage
Julie I. Guindon met son expérience pratique en matière de recherche de solutions par médiation et arbitrage au service des familles de la région d’Ottawa. La médiation et l’arbitrage constituent pour les familles d’Ottawa des formules peu coûteuses, confidentielles et efficaces pour régler leurs problèmes hors des processus juridiques habituels. Téléphonez chez Julie I. Guindon dès aujourd’hui pour en apprendre davantage à propos des services de médiation et d’arbitrage.
Suite #1005-130 Slater St, Ottawa, ON K1P 6E2
Principal 613-234-5252